Hear what people have to say about the programs that they have attended...


on our mindfulness for children workshop

"Thank you so much for putting this class together. Connor and I had such a great experience learning these forever valuable lessons, tips, advice about mindfullness. We have integrated take 5 into our everyday routine when we are overly stimulated, angry, and scared/nervous. The entire family is taking part in the body scan meditation which has become a nice daily bonding experience it also has become a life saver when everyone is overtired and unable to wind down for bed. Connor is enjoying teaching his mindful techniques to his friends and family and I am confident that these tools will help him transition in our family upcoming move to a new town/school. The class personally helped me a lot with my own general anxiety issues and I am very grateful."

"Thanks so much, Brian and Dr. Rubin, for this wonderful class. My son practices the exercises to help him fall asleep and it has given us tools and language to help through anxious situations. He loved the class and looked forward to it each week. I am very grateful for the opportunity to connect with my child and allow him to see he is not alone in experiencing overwhelming feelings. That in and of itself is extraordinarily powerful and significant but the fact that he has taken away techniques that are gentle, easy and helpful is amazing. The care and concern for these children is so evident in all the Happy and Healthy Pediatrics does. This class was no exception. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."


On our Mindfulness Workshop:

Dr. Elissa Rubin

"I have wanted to take a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course for several years, but it was just never the right time for me.  And then I met Cory Muscara, and I was blessed that he agreed to hold his course in our wellness center.  For those of you who know me well, I don’t beat around the bush, and I don’t exaggerate.  But this course honestly changed my life.  I could feel myself shifting every week that I was taking the course into more of the type of person I want to be.  In fact, during one of our classes, Cory invited us to take a deeper look into ourselves to see who we really were below all of the roles we fulfill on a daily basis.  I learned that I am not really sure who I am at that level.  But each day I grow a little more trying to explore that idea. 

What I have learned is that I don’t have to worry about the past or the future.  Just live each moment as my life unfolds, without judgement.  It has been so liberating for me to “let go” of all of those thoughts, to no longer give them power over me.  It has absolutely made me happier and less anxious.  I feel grateful, and grounded, and better able to calm myself.  And therefore, I have been able to role model these new skills to my daughters who have really responded to them with excitement.

It’s impossible to relate to anyone in a few paragraphs how much Cory’s teachings have altered me.  All of my close friends who took the course with me, felt the same. I hope you will take advantage of future courses we hold here in our wellness center.  I am so proud to offer this course to our community, and I feel so grateful to have such an amazing teacher as Cory leading us."

Shani Thornton - Child Life Specialist, Founder Child Life Mommy

I recently completed a six-week course of mindfulness and meditation at my children’s  pediatric wellness center. I went into it with some knowledge of the practice and the benefits that it can bring to people, but not really knowing how to incorporate it fully into my life. My ultimate goal was to deepen my learning experience and to also teach it to my family and the children that I work with in my  practice.

The workshop was led by Cory Muscara from the Long Island Center for Mindfulness.  He was incredibly helpful on breaking down the theory, how to practice different types of meditation and how to realistically weave it into your life. He gave us daily homework to practice guided meditation, self-reflect and increase our awareness of the present moment.

All three may sound easy to do, but it was a challenge because our brains are wired to constantly think, plan, judge, and move at a high-speed. We are also juggling the emotions that are tied to our thoughts, such as anger, guilt and anxiety. It makes sense that so many people have a hard time navigating through life, especially if they don’t have the coping tools to stay calm, think clearly and communicate effectively.

In a matter of six weeks, I could see a drastic change in my life. My interpersonal  relationships were much stronger than they were before. I was able to articulate my thoughts and feelings with my family calmly (especially during those intense parenting moments) and also became a more active listener to their needs.

I was able to disconnect from chaotic thoughts that would typically trigger stress and anxiety and reconnect with emotions of stillness and confidence. I was also able to strengthen my techniques of child-centered play with the clients in my practice and teach coping strategies based on mindfulness to the kids and parents.

I think it is wonderful to see the trend of adults practicing mindfulness and meditation, but I am really excited to see that educators, parents and healthcare professionals are incorporating it with children.

See her full blog post here: https://childlifemommy.com/2016/12/02/the-ripple-effects-of-mindfulness-and-meditation/

Stacy R -

Cory really has a way of connecting with people.  I wasn't sure how I would feel about this, but his approach, his delivery, and his messages were all very easy to listen to and very clear once the program was done.  It would be wonderful to continue with this because although I don't meditate daily (confession!!!) I use methods acquired in the class daily.

I don't meditate in the 'conventional" way but I do use mindfulness to get me through my days.  I knew a little about it prior to taking this course - which was helpful for me - and what resonates with me most is how it helps me deal with my daily struggles.

For example:  if I have a bad day, or moment, I step back and say "OK, I see this is happening.  I don't like it.  I accept it.  Now move on"

This has been tremendous for me.  I find that I am a happier person overall and that I can enjoy my life a bit more every day because I don't let one little thing ruin my entire being.  I am getting better at shifting my negativity to the side so I can focus on what's more important.